Move and feel better for just £5.99 a month

Learn how your body should really move

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About MAP Online

Hi, I’m Hat

I have had a passion for movement from a young age and have a wealth of experience, as a Sports Therapist and coach, with both international level athletes as well as those who just want to see what their body is truly capable of.

Why join?

Through my MAP Online membership, I strive to help you understand and take ownership of your body – enabling you to become more supple and confident in your movement.

What is MAP Online?

Whether struggling with an injury or movement issue, or you just want to maintain ranges of motion your body should have, pain free. MAP Online is sure to help you improve both your mobility and your understanding of how our bodies are designed to move.

MAP Online is a subscription-based group with unlimited access to a library of videos focusing on general mobility, joint specific flows and recovery sessions, all with the ultimate goal of helping you move and feel better.

All this for just £5.99 a month – less than the cost of two coffees.

What we do

MAP Online flows

Upper Body Flows

Ideal for those who sit at a desk all day, or find they stoop a lot. If you struggle in CrossFit or the gym with lifts like shoulder presses and jerks, snatches and overhead squats, these flows will be great for you.

Lower Body Flows

These flows cover hips, ankles as well as legs and lower back. Another great option for those who spend too much time sitting or if you struggle to squat correctly or without stiffness or pain in any of the above areas.

Movement Prep

Geared especially for athletes. Perfect to get you moving well before training – especially Olympic lifting and gymnastics – but ideal if you’re short on time and need to feel good to go.

Recovery Flows

Rest day, chill time, more time. These are longer flows and include self release tools like the foam roller and lacrosse ball. These are a staple for any athlete who takes their training seriously.

Recorded flows

MAP Online members

Flow categories

Simple membership


Real people, real results

Laura LG

I can’t speak highly enough of Hat!

“Hat rehabbed me through two bad injuries, focussing on my movement and mobility MAP has been a lifesaver when it comes to my range of motion. Definitely a game changer!”

Ellie G

Hat is super easy to follow!

“Without doubt, mobility is not a forte of mine, but I had never really known how much it hindered me until I started doing regular MAP flows – between 10 and 30 minutes a day. Not even two weeks later, pistols felt easier, I had PB’d both Olympic lifts and no longer felt the niggles I had come to feel were normal.”

Marc N

Athletes can only get stronger in ranges they have access to.

“This was the line that drew me in and within weeks old injuries and pains had reduced. Hat has also educated me so I can keep on top of these and prevent future injuries.”

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